I find that with each passing day there is more wonder in it then the previous...and this is all due to the fact that I wake up and throughout the day I am taught by Papa.
You see... some years ago now me and Him embarked on a journey
I was to go through many trials and tribulations and I was to knock off
the crusty, dirty, yuckyness that this person had begun carrying around..
That journey has taken me places that i am not sure anyone has seen,
even now I am blown away with even just memories of the past couple of
years which I actually have to stop and think about them or else the daily
adventures would hide the past like the first few plops of dirt to the pile
when you are digging a hole.
The blue sky I see out the windows as the sun begins to inch her way
above this region again warms my heart... One of the shades of blue remind me of
the feeling in being assured.. the other brings this grand excitement over me that I can hardly bear if I were outside seeing it wouldn't be right to stand still nor could I, the other colors you would
see if you happened to be filling the seat next to mine would fill you such harmony you would get the feeling of looking over a mountaintop and looking out and knowing that everything below
makes sense and you, yourself are going to be okay yes... harmony it would all come together and for this moment there would be no sirens outside your house no honking of horns or people yelling at each other, just the soft quietness of a child waking from their sleep feeling safe and warm just as any child should... this is why I love being awake as the sun comes up and this is why I love mornings.. I think they were given purpose when Father made them I think they were meant to rejuvenate your spirit.. But look what we have filled them with? and now we dread what was given for to enliven His children.. We have used it as a gateway to the horror of the rest of the busy day, but yet it was formed to be so sweet look at the way dew holds herself when morning comes? Sweet. Listen and hear the sound of bird chirping waking and warming to the thought of newness of life on the horizon. Stop and feel how the sunshine and the air wraps them selves around everything they come in contact with as they rise from their sleep.
It is all really just magic and wonder that is what mornings are made of bright gorgeous wonder!
And because I am awake this morning I am blessed to have this special function of my heart/spirit come alive in me I know I am so special I was made to be special.. and I love how I am made of up a million or so apparatus... it's so cool to me
that I am a mechanism which supports so many pieces of Father differently than anyone else on the planet...just as you do, you lovely person you!
ahhh.......mmmmm... morning...
There is a birdie outdoors singing sweetly to me saying
"off to bed you sleepy head morning has come and mourning has gone
so sweet dreams to you, you need your rest so you can wake and
enjoy all the cake you can have fit in your belly..."
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