Friday, December 23, 2011


The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I force my way through
the crowd of pain and turmoil.

There is only hope that I can cling to nothing else that makes this life worth living.
Why else do we hold on so tightly? I watched a documentary about a man who is
afraid to die and believes everyone who thinks otherwise is lying or deceived.

I wonder to myself why people are so afraid to die.

I am not afraid never have been that I can recall I am not lying
nor deceived just not satisfied with this life. Something doesn't
feel right inside me living here. I don't feel attached to this earth

I think that people who know how to love this life are very special
angels maybe. But not me anyway. Lulu understands life I can see it
in her photos in her words she inspires me to be happy to be alive
and I am so happy to have come across her, her spirit so alive and
beautiful colors follow her where ever she goes.

But me I feel so grey and drear sometimes I spot color
patches here and there. But nothing like other's do.

For me it doesn't come as easy but I guess that's just my
calling to be this whatever I am. But I know I am an unfinished
project we work on me everyday. It feels good to be rid of my
facebook for the time being to not be watched while I am not even there.
To think that there are opportunities that just opened because my time
has been freed I'll need something to fill those spaces and whatever
I enjoyed about facebook I will search in deeper levels maybe to be
quenched here and there. I just want so much more. I know it sounds like a small beginning
but to me the deactivation is nothing to overlook. I have had something like that
for years now and this change though may have taken minutes the understanding that I
do not need it anymore is a fulfilling one.


  1. oooooooh you are my favorite girl in the whole world!!
    oof poof I just feel overwhelmingly blessed my sweet Kelsey to be friends with you, you are always so thoughtful and overflowing with loveliness and affection <3
    you are a very, very special angel yupyup!
    whenever I am feeling grumpy and blue and grouch to my wonderful Jesus, cause my adorable friends are too busy being "cool dudes" and ditching me wahaha, He reminds me to think of my sweet Kelsey who likes all the same things as me and thinks of things in the same way heehee! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. Oh Lulu! You are my favorite girl! You are so excellent in every way!
    Your words have made me so bright and happy these past couple of days you have no idea! :) Thank you ever so muchly!

    I feel the same way about you, and Jesus always brings me back to your joy and pure goodness when I need to remember how to be that way.
    I understand the adorable friends you are unique and special and "cool dudes" don't always know how to appreciate that. But your Papa God and his Son do and they love you ever so with everything they have to love with.. :)


  3. Oh and something else! I feel so blessed everyday to have happened upon finding you! I don't think it was coincidence but I do think it is wonderful! :) I love you Lulu!
